How we performed in May

How we performed in May

We issued 14 service guarantees for the month of May. While our numbers are headed back in the right direction, our quantity accuracy and On-time Delivery numbers remain areas we are focusing on to drive improvement.

Please keep in mind that while most of these numbers are just hundredths and/or tenths of a percent below our goals, we have these goals in place in an effort to ensure that the customer experience we deliver is the best one possible. When we fall short even by a hundredth of a percent, it gets our attention and our Intentionally Better teams spring into action to get back on track. Our commitment to monitoring and improving these numbers are a clear reflection of our culture here at Earnest.

Part Accuracy score for the company as a whole was 99.96%.
Individual DC scores:
Austell – 99.94% An improvement from April’s 99.87% and almost at goal…nice work!
Indy – 100.00% - Excellent!
England – 99.84%
EMC - 100.00% - Excellent!

Quantity Accuracy score for the company as a whole was 99.89%.
Individual DC scores:
Austell – 99.75%
Indy – 100.00% Excellent!
England – 100.00% Excellent!
EMC - 100.00% Excellent!

Order Entry Accuracy score was 99.93% - Nice Work!
On Time Delivery –94.45%
Austell – 92.06%
Indy – 96.83%

Claim Free Parcel Shipments – 100.00%.

Corrective actions will be issued accordingly within the week.